Glorifying Jesus and Empowering People by Sharing His Good News of Grace

ACTS 20:24


About us

We are a local, national and international network of cross-cultural, mission-oriented churches that empower, equip, and establish people: rich and poor, black and white, educated and uneducated, in grace, love, and truth that has come through Jesus Christ. Our vision is to be a bridge and a prophetic catalyst of God's heart to our Cities and Villages of Africa.


values and beliefs

These are some of the values and beliefs that we hold dear. They are offered humbly, yet with strong conviction, in the hope that they will reveal our heart and zeal to any interested party. We recognize that other believers may have different values and beliefs and we honor and respect different opinions based on the revelation of the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures. We fully accept that we all see and know in part and that we are all on a journey into deeper intimacy with God.


The team

Meet the team of incredible people behind the Brethern Church in Africa. We're passionate about Jesus and what we do.