“They will REBUILD the ancient ruins and RESTORE the places long devastated; they will RENEW the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations…” [Isaiah 61]. The Isaiah House is part of the Grace-Love-Truth Ministries missional outreach program. It is a Christ-centered community development ministry. The Isaiah House seeks to position the people of Lower Molweni to know Jesus Christ and to be transformed holistically. The REBUILD Team focuses on educational and vocational development. The RESTORE Team invests in emotional, relational, and physical healing, and the RENEW Team centers on spiritual transformation and growth. We believe that the good news of Jesus' grace is the key to transformed lives and has to be the foundation on which every persons identity is established. WHO ARE WE
Sandile Mkhwanazi, Pastor, Isaiah House Director Abby Mkhwanazi, Psychologist, Isaiah House Administrator
Abby: | 079 622 6631 | |
Sandile: | 079 567 7293 | |
Landline: | 031 776 3180 | |
Email: | info@theisaiahhouse.co.za |
Visit our web site www.theisaiahhouse.co.za
Abby and Sandile Mkhwanazi have been married since September 2009. They are both passionate about the Lord and about people. They are called to the poor, broken, and needy people living in the Valley of 1,000 Hills. Their hope is to see lives transformed and restored by the saving power of Christ’s love, and to see families rebuilt and thriving.
Abby has a background in psychology (Master of Clinical Counselling, USA, and currently in the process of being registered as a Psychologist in South Africa) and Sandile has a background in Moto Mechanics/Engineering. They have chosen to follow Gods call to leave the professional working world to work for the poor and needy.
Educationally Young people are unmotivated to excel due to lack of vocational prospects. After high school, they have nowhere to go and nothing to do. Seeing no future to work toward, they often begin making destructive decisions at a young age.
Vocationally The currently unemployment rate in South Africa is 25% and most adults in Lower Molweni are untrained in trades. The people have become passive recipients of handouts and are discouraged and disempowered.
Emotionally For the people of Lower Molweni, living in a state of high stress, experiencing trauma, and being surrounded by violence is normal. In order to survive, people repress their emotional needs. This results in psychosomatic symptoms (physical manifestations of psychological problems) and significant emotional delays.
Relationally Family life has been broken down due to numerous factors including alcoholism, promiscuity, abuse of woman and children, violence, unemployment, and poverty. There is also a general lack of mistrust due to gossip, jealousy, and a lack of solidarity.
Physically With an estimated 5.6 million HIV-positive people, South Africa continues to have the world's largest HIV epidemic. In South Africa, HIV prevalence among women aged 20-24 is approximately 21%, compared to about 7% among men in the same age range (unaids.org). Tuberculosis is also common. Children in Lower Molweni often develop minor illnesses due to poor hygiene and lack of First Aid training. The people of Lower Molweni do have access to free basic clinics and government hospitals but lack transportation and often receive subpar treatment.
The Good News of grace in Jesus Christ has been polluted by legalism, influences from other religions, and ancestor worship. Superstition and witchcraft continue to have a deceptive hold over many peoples' hearts and lives due to limited education and fear.
The Isaiah House vision for Lower Molweni is huge and comprehensive. As the Isaiah House Staff grows, we would like to offer stipends to our local volunteers.
Transportation (fuel and maintenance) is one of the most significant ministry costs for The Isaiah House Team. Fuel sponsors would be greatly appreciated.
The Isaiah House is currently seeking Ministry Sponsors, as much of the programming for the new vision is not funded in the current budget. Sponsors can choose which program they would like to support, from Vocational Training Seminars to Child Nurture Groups to Youth Sports Teams, etc.
ACCOUNT DETAILS: Bank - First National Bank Kloof, RSA Branch # - 221526 Account Name - Heart to Heart Projects (Now called Grace-Love-Truth) Account # - 62081858022 International Swift Code - FIRNZAJJ
USA: Stateside tax deductable donations can be sent to: Five Stones Community Church 709 Claremont Ave Ashland, OH 44805 Please put "Abby and Sandile Mkhwanazi" in the memo line If you would like us to know who sent it please drop us an e-mail!
JOIN OUR PRAYER TEAM To receive a bi-monthly newsletter. If you would like to be notified when urgent prayer requests arise.
VOLUNTEER Short-Term and Long-Term Volunteer Opportunities are available.
Whether you live in South Africa or another part of the world, get a team together and come and visit.
Donate gently used or new clothing for the adults to sell to provide income for themselves.