Watchman Nee: Grace has both Historical & Biblical roots
WATCHMAN NEE (1902-1972 Famous Chinese evangelist and teacher)
The Bible is not about proving we are right. The Bible is designed to humble us and prove that God is right.
The Atonement is a propitiation whereby God through the death of Jesus makes an unholy man holy. For by one offering...that of Christ Jesus!
God can not use a man who has not died to his self-life. Such a person can not go far in the things of God.
We must die to our SELF-LIFE before His life can flow through us. The cross speaks of a way to lose our self-life.
His Grace is sufficient! He has provided everything for you. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.
We go to Christ for forgiveness & often the law to fight our sins." Foolish Galatians!...The righteous will live by faith."
God has one sufficient answer—His Son Jesus Christ, and He is the answer to every human.
God has one sufficient answer—His Son Jesus Christ, and He is the answer to every human.
God has placed us in a most lofty position. Through our union with the Lord Jesus, all of the Lord’s accomplishments and victories are ours.
Since we are now joined to the resurrected Lord, through Him the Spirit can control our whole being.
Man cannot rely on his own merit before God; it would overthrow the Lord's work, as though He had died in vain.
Originally the spirit was as if it were dead, now the Holy Spirit has put God's uncreated life inside the spirit.
Many people see salvation only as deliverance from judgment; they have not seen that salvation is also deliverance from self.
The daily life of the Christian can be summed up in one word: receive. (Received from the Lord, that is.)
As for sin, we only need take the ground of the cross (Rom.6:6) and immediately we are freed from its power and our servitude to it.
Many people think we become holy by the eradication of something evil within. No, we become holy by being separated unto God.
The basic characteristic of the works of the soul is independence or self-dependence.
The more humble one is at God's feet, the more useful he is at God's hand.
From start to finish, he is the One who does it all.
Our rest lies in looking to the Lord, not to ourselves.