Many people wonder how they can share the good news of#Jesus' and His #Grace without forcing it on people or getting into unpleasant arguments. Well it's easy, simple and unobtrusive. You can partner with us by using your Facebook......
1) First. All you have to do is LIKE our GRACE LOVE TRUTH page. You can do this by typing in Grace Love Truth into the search line at the top of your page and pressing search, this will take you to our Facebook page, you then click LIKE. At present 2500 people follow us through this page - and the numbers growing daily - because it's good news.
2) Next. Whenever you see a post from Grace Love Truth on your time line please click like and better still click share.
By you doing this you will help spread the good news of Jesus, His love and His grace, just by a click, what could be easier?
The way it works is that every click and every share means that Facebook gives more prominence to our page - and therefore it's great message of #Jesusgrace. The beauty of sharing the good news in this way is that people are absolutely free to choose if they want to read the message or not and if they want to receive more uplifting news in the future.
There's sooo much bad news around and so many people who are lost, depressed and hopeless, so come on, let's help people hear the good news of God's love, kindness and #amazinggrace.
The Apostles used the technology of their day, the Roman Road, to spread the gospel far and wide. The #HolySpirit is calling us to use the technology of our day, the web, FB, Twitter, What's App, etc. to get the goodnews out to a hurting and needy world.
You can check out our web site: www.gracelovetruth.com where you can also get more information on what we do, who we are, what our values are etc.