If you are "Born Again" by the Spirit of God, you are the righteousness of God (2Co.5:21) and as such you are qualified for blessing upon blessing and the power of the Holy Spirit to reign and rule from a place of rest and peace.
This issue of Jesus righteousness given to us by grace, is core to living in the abundant life of Christ.
Lots of people in the Old Testament tried to be #righteous by what they did & they always failed (Rom.9:30). But amazingly both David & #Abraham (Gen.15:16) knew that their true righteousness depended on them believing and trusting in a good God.
David understood and received Gods #grace and after God’s forgiveness of David’s adultery & murder David saw himself as righteous – just as if his sin never existed (2Sam22:12). Wow! I guess this is the offence of the cross and #Jesusgrace. Even though he was under the Covenant of the Law (Gal.2:21) David prophetically foresaw God's grace, as did Abraham, and took hold of it. God considered David (Acts 13:22) to be a man after his own heart!
Likewise today (Rom. 3:21) Jesus has made us righteous and sinless in Gods eyes. I guess that's why grace makes a lot of religious people really angry, as its seen as being unfair - God's ways are simply not our ways, thank God! Receive and believe in your right standing with a loving and mighty God, because of Jesus. God considers you to be a man /woman after Hid own heart. This is the good news of the gospel and it will bear mighty good fruit as you allow the truth to renew your thinking. 1Jn. 4:17 In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. Be blessed. www.gracelovetruth.com