Introduction to the Grace Love Truth Course.
(the fast link to this page is Preamble
In this time when there is an ever increasing rise of legalistic religions, the Holy Spirit is re-establishing the church in Jesus' unique Gospel of Grace which Paul refers to in Acts 20:24. For this purpose we are presenting this powerful eight part Bible based The Grace-Love- Truth Course that will revitalize your spiritual life and understanding of the good news of Jesus' grace.
The purpose of the course is:
To change wrong beliefs that are barriers to intimacy with Jesus.
To emphasise the unique message of Christianity: Salvation and life through Jesus Christ, by grace and not by works.
To reveal Jesus’ finished work on the cross and what this means for us today.
To enable us to understand God's amazing favour that is revealed in Jesus.
To establish us in our identity as beloved and blessed children of the "Abba" Father.
To empower us to live in God's gift of grace, righteousness and blessings.
To remove false teachings that make us feel unworthy and disqualified.
It is not our intention to impart more knowledge about Jesus but rather to help us to know Jesus in a more real and intimate way.
Please note that there is copyright on this material but it is published with the intention of it being freely and fully available to the worldwide Church. We do ask that if you use the course you simply acknowledge and you let us know by email at . Be blessed!
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.)
Course Contents
1. The Gospel of Grace (Acts 20:24) 2. The New Covenant (Hebrews 8:10-13) 3. Law and Grace (2 Corinthians 3:6) 4. Grace overcomes Sin (Romans 6:14) 5. Righteousness is a gift of grace (Romans 3:22) 6. Children of God - our new identity in Christ (1 Corinthians 5:17) 7. Our union with Christ (Galatians 2:20) 8. Grace empowers us for mission
The Author – Garry Hare
This course has been written by Garry Hare who is the founder of Grace Love Truth Ministries and is chairman of Heart to Heart International.
Garry was born in Bristol England in 1956. His family emigrated to South Africa in 1967. Garry was educated in Johannesburg and graduated with a diploma in Civil Engineering in 1979. He worked in construction primarily as the CEO of his own property development company until going into full time self supporting ministry in 1996. Garry and his family live in Kloof, Durban and he has been married to Annette since 1981. They have three children; Ryan (28), Simone (24), Jonathan (18), and three foster children; Amanda (13), Dion (11) and Sakina (13) and one grandchild; Ari (2). Garry grew up in a non-Christian family but early on he attended traditional English church schools. As a young adult he was involved in the "New Age" movement and dabbled in a number of religions. He was radically saved in 1991 after a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit at a Christian healing service. After being "born again" he was initially involved with "Christian Ministry to Jews" (CMJ) and an employment ministry for the workless. In 1996 Garry went into full time ministry with New Wine (SA), a Charismatic Renewal Ministry and also ministered in the local Anglican Church of Kloof, Durban, where he was formally ordained in 2000. Garry has ministered in churches of all denominations and types throughout South Africa and in various parts of the world, including Finland, Holland, UK, Korea, China, Vietnam, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique and Ethiopia. Garry left the Anglican Church in 2002 to found "OrphanAid" and to fulfil a call to help establish a network of easily reproducible, relational, simple church communities among the poor and needy. This also involves mentoring young leaders, teaching and equipping believers from various church backgrounds and caring for AIDS orphans. In 2005 Garry and Annette founded "Springside Place of Refuge and Safety", a safe home for abused women and children. Garry handed over the leadership of OrphanAid and Springside to a local team of leaders in 2010. Garry is chairman of Heart to Heart International which is an NPO umbrella organization to a number of ministries. Garry is a trustee and teacher at Kloof Theological Centre whose aim is to provide solid Biblical teachings to the both the local and wider church. Garry and Annette are also involved in pastoring in a network of relational, small, simple, local churches. Garry and Annette also have a close association with Sarepta Kloof. Since 2009 Garry has been involved in sharing the gospel with Muslims and helping encourage the persecuted church. Garry and Annette are accountable to a group of other mature Christians from various church backgrounds, as well as the team which they are part of. They are also linked in with many local churches. Garry and Annette have a passion for: Jesus and His kingdom, family, sharing the good news of Jesus' grace, establishing believers in their identity as God's beloved children, the empowering of the Holy Spirit, mission to the poor, needy and oppressed, authentic Christian community and church, the unity and rich diversity of the church, the breaking down of racial, cultural, denominational, educational & economic divides, raising up young leaders and using technology to share the good news. Over the years God has blessed Garry and Annette in their business dealings and they have their own financial means of support. Garry's present calling and focus is to help establish the wider church in the gospel of the grace of Jesus Christ (Acts.20:24) and teach on how to practically live out the love and grace of God.
The first part of the eight part course The Gospel of Grace can be found at or you can email us at for PDF or Word printable files which are in a better format and can be emailed to others.